Sesame Milk Song Kreuang
Sesame Milk Garnished with Extra Ingredients
During holidays, many people may want to eat something good without having to get tired going out to buy food. Today we have an easy, delicious, and beneficial menu to recommend. Just make it for a while, you can then take it on a soE bed and chill out with your favorite series. Recharge your energy completely during holidays together with receiving a good health.

Sesame Milk Song Kreuang is the appetizer menu that can help you comfortably feel fuller. Importantly, it is packed with benefits of sesame milk and grains. It is easy to make, just prepare the following ingredients:
1) Sesamilk white sesame milk flavor
2) Boiled red beans
3) Basil seeds
4) Water chestnut
5) Job’s tears
6) Other grains as desired

Directions: Add ingredients into a bowl or glass, followed by Sesamilk white sesame milk flavor. It can be taken as a warm or cold drink for refreshing. Before taking, you may decorate your drink, take a photo, and post it on Instagram. Then pick up the remote control and chill out with your favorite series.